Carbonite Support > Managing Computers Within Your...

Managing Computers Within Your Pooled Storage Account

  • This article applies only to Pooled Storage Resellers

You can manage computer backups associated with your client’s account.

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Adding a new computer

You can add a new computer to your client’s account if you have access to the computer that you wish to install Carbonite on.

  1. From the desired computer, log into your account at
  2. Click on the ACCOUNTS tab.
  3. From the ACCOUNT column, click the applicable company.
  4. Within the account page, click Manage computers, users & installations.
  5. Click the Add Computer button.
  6. Choose the user from the dropdown menu and click Submit to download the installer to the default location on your browser.
    If you want to associate this computer with a new user, please create the user first by clicking Add users to backup. Once the user is created, you can select the user from the list after clicking Install on this computer.
    Portal: Select a User for the computer Carbonite will be installed on
  7. Click Submit to download the installer to the default location on your browser.
  8. Locate and run the installer.

Once the install completes, the backup will be associated with the selected user.

Changing the Computer Owner

You can change the owner of your client’s computers individually or with multiple selected.

  1. Log into your account at
  2. Click on the ACCOUNTS tab.
  3. From the ACCOUNT column, click the applicable company.
  4. Within the account page, click Manage computers, users & installations.
  5. From here, select the computers that you wish to assign to a different user.
  6. Use the dropdown menu to assign the computer to a new user.
  7. With the new user selected, click Submit.
    Portal: With the user selected, click Submit to assign the computers to that user

The computer is now associated with the new user.

Renaming the Computer

You can change the nickname of a client’s computer to make it easier to identify to you and your client.

  1. Log into your account at
  2. Click on the ACCOUNTS tab.
  3. From the ACCOUNT column, click the applicable company.
  4. Within the account page, click Manage computers, users & installations.
  5. From here, select the computer that you wish to rename and click Rename.
  6. Within the popup window, enter the new name and click Submit.
    Portal: Type in the computer nickname and click Submit.

The computer is now updated with the new name.

Stopping a Backup

You can stop the backup of a client’s computer to temporarily stop the backup of the selected computer.

  1. Log into your account at
  2. Click on the ACCOUNTS tab.
  3. From the ACCOUNT column, click the applicable company.
  4. Within the account page, click Manage computers, users & installations.
  5. From here, select the backup that you wish to pause and click Stop Backup.

When you are ready, you can select the same computer and click Resume Backup to resume the Carbonite backup.

Deleting a Computer

You can delete computers associated with your client’s account to stop current backups and delete the Carbonite backup associated with the computer.

Deleting computers permanently deletes the associated backup data and Carbonite Support cannot restore the data.
  1. Log into your account at
  2. Click on the ACCOUNTS tab.
  3. From the ACCOUNT column, click the applicable company.
  4. From here, select the computer that you wish to delete and click Delete Computer.

The computer backup is now deleted.

Restoring a Computer

You can restore all of the files associated with a client’s computer by installing Carbonite on a Windows or Mac computer or by using Anywhere Anytime Access to restore individual files and folders.

  1. Log into your account at
  2. Click on the ACCOUNTS tab.
  3. From the ACCOUNT column, click the applicable company.
  4. Within the account page, click Manage computers, users & installations.
  5. From here, select the computer that you wish to restore and click Restore Files.
  6. From here, you will be given the choice of a Complete Restore or Remote Access.
    • Complete Restore: Restores all the files associated with the computer by installing Carbonite.
    • Remote Access: Restores individual files or folders without installing Carbonite. Learn more…
  7. In this example, we will start a full restore of the computer by clicking Complete Restore.
    Portal: Select Complete Restore to restore all the files associated with this computer
  8. Click Next to continue.
    Portal: Click Next to continue with the restore
  9. Click Install to download the Carbonite installer.
    Portal: Click Install download the Carbonite installer
  10. Locate and run the installer.

Once the install completes, you will be presented with the restore manager to start the restore.

After you complete these steps, the files from the backup will be restored to the computer.
